Ixlan's Tale - Ixlan Wakes

  The Patient Wakes Savage Taurus: ava'yorn ruliynai [hello bipeds] Fitheach Eun hears moaning and approaches their patient Talia Su...

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Ixlan's Tale - Ixlan Found


A Sylph Appears

Fiesty Lotus: "Hmm, I feel funny."

Fitheach Eun snaps her head around as a strange tone sounds in the library

Talia.Sunsong: "My wand is tingling"

Saphira Mistwalker looks up, "What was that?"

Fiesty Lotus looks to Druid Fit. "What is that?"

Fitheach Eun: "I don't know; did you all hear it?"

Rorn nods his head.

Fitheach Eun: With a slight popping sound one of the sylphs suddenly appears

Savage Taurus flies around looking his meal for the day and something nags him at the base of his skull

Fiesty Lotus: "Oh, a sylph!"

Saphira Mistwalker: Turns to see the sylph, "What is she doing here?"

Fitheach Eun turns just as the sylph says: "Lady, there is a man on the beach."

Rorn flies up to the sylph

Fitheach Eun: "A man on the beach? That is not unusual."

Fitheach Eun: The sylph looks agitated: "But Lady, this one is lying down and bleeding."

Fitheach Eun: Oh....

Fiesty Lotus: "Oh dear"

Talia.Sunsong: "The sharks might smell the blood"

Saphira Mistwalker: That doesn't sound good, we better check on it.

Fitheach Eun looks to the sylph: "Can you lead us there?"

Fiesty Lotus gets her staff

Savage Taurus is more concerned about the emptiness of his stomach than the nagging in the back of his brainstem

More Concerned about the Emptiness of his Stomach

Fiesty Lotus also get her med kit

Fitheach Eun grabs her bag and staff

Fitheach Eun: "Let's go"

Talia.Sunsong: flutters her wings and rises

Savage Taurus spies a tasty looking unicorn but knows that his friends would get upset at him if he ate it

Fitheach Eun runs swiftly after the sylph

Fiesty Lotus runs, trying to keep up.

Saphira Mistwalker runs from the library and takes flight.

Fiesty Lotus pants and holds her side as she approaches the beach

Fitheach Eun: the sylph stops on a small islet just offshore from the dwarf hall

Saphira Mistwalker spies the people below and hovers over head, keeping watch for sharks.

Saphira Hovers Overhead

Savage Taurus swoops by his castle and eyes the state of the shingles on his roof and thinks, 'Gonna need to get some kobolds up here, with harnesses. I keep forgetting they can’t fly,' then the scent of blood hits his snout and he turns his head towards the shore

Fitheach Eun hurries to the body lying half in the water

Rorn: Rorn lands next to the man and sniffs him

Saphira Mistwalker: Is he still alive?

Fitheach Eun checks for a pulse: "He's alive, but just barely"

Ixlan Nightbringer: feels someone close ... opens eyes and sees a blurry shape hovering over him...  hand shoots out to grasp around the neck of the hovering form... grip tightening....  feeling soft flesh...  hand drops....  exhausted

Talia.Sunsong: "Should I do fairy magic on it?" She fumbles with her "peace bound" bent magic wand that she tied with a small vine.

Savage Taurus dives down and jets northward toward the mouth of the river and the scent of blood gets stronger and he recognizes it, 'hooman,' he grumbles to himself, while his stomach growls with hunger

Fiesty Lotus gets her breath and kneels beside the body

Half Lying in the Water

Ixlan Nightbringer: mumbles  unintelligible....

Fiesty Lotus: NO

Fiesty Lotus: We will handle this Talia

Rorn whimpers sadly as he stands next to the fallen form

Fitheach Eun: No Talia, definitely not

Fiesty Lotus reaches out and takes the man’s pulse

Talia.Sunsong: "But I'm Danger Fae!"

Fitheach Eun makes a resolve to get the fae a proper peace string, preferably permanent

Ixlan Nightbringer: falls back into unconsciousness....

Savage Taurus sighs when he sees his friends gathered on the small island, knowing that his stomach will have to wait, as no doubt the pesky droods will want him to help

Saphira Mistwalker hears wings thundering overhead, and looks up to see Savage approaching. She hisses in draconic, "Vin thrae atonus ehtaha vi ezoukea sthyr shafaer wer coisig [A sylph found a wounded man on the beach]."

Fiesty Lotus: “This one is pretty far gone.  We should get him out of the water. No wait. I will see if he has any broken bones.”

Fitheach Eun: Good idea Fiesty

Talia.Sunsong: pokes fallen man with her toe "Get up!"

Saphira Mistwalker frowns, "You better hurry, I see fins surfacing nearby, and they are not mermaids."

Fitheach Eun: "How will we get him to the infirmary?"

What to Do....

Fiesty Lotus hold her staff and concentrates on the body

Rorn tries to lick the man's wounds

Savage Taurus responds to Saph in their native tongue, "vur si suppose batobot means coita hesi problem kiri? kepatmasto kepatmasto kepatmasto [and I suppose that means it’s our problem too? Alright alright alright]."

Fitheach Eun looks up at Savage in dragon form and gets an idea...

Fitheach Eun: "Ummm, Savage....?"

Fiesty Lotus: “He is banged up but no broken bones.”

Fitheach Eun: "Safe to move him then?"

Fiesty Lotus: “Well, we should be careful, but yes.”

Fitheach Eun: “Mindful of Saphira's warning, let's drag him up on shore?”

Savage Taurus decides to land and see what all the fuss is about

Rorn grabs the man’s clothes with his teeth and starts tugging him towards shore

Fiesty Lotus: Very carefully. Those wounds look bad

Fitheach Eun grabs an arm carefully and pulls him slowly onto land.

Talia.Sunsong: "Do you suppose he's rich and will give us lots of treasure for saving him?"

Savage Taurus moves forward and sniffs the bloody man, the strong scent reminding him of all the knights that invaded his old lair

Fiesty Lotus glares at the Fae, knowing it will not be noticed.

Saphira Mistwalker watches the shark circle and then move away and hisses, "Si jahus charisir ihk creol sventar xiiva rhyaex [I was hoping for some shark meat]."

Rorn: Baby dragon Rorn flaps his wings in an attempt to dry the man off.

Fitheach Eun asks the sylph to dry him quickly

Ixlan Nightbringer rouses slightly....  the scent of drake fills senses...  is filled with despair...   falls back into unconsciousness.....

Fiesty Lotus: “We need to get him to the Infirmary.”

Saphira Mistwalker lands to see what is happening.

Fitheach Eun: "Yes and as quickly as possible."

Fitheach Eun looks at Savage appealingly

Savage Taurus growls to Saph, "sjek wux catch creol, save creol ihk ve. si mi starving [If you catch some, save some for me. I am starving]"

Fitheach Eun: "Ummm, Savage... Could you possibly...?"

Savage Takes Him on His Back

Savage Taurus sees the look in the elf's eyes and his heart melts, "Yes, yes, I can take him. Put him on my back"

Fitheach Eun smiles at Savage

Savage Taurus "I'll meet you all there" he says as he flaps his great batlike wings and takes off with the wounded man draped across his back

Fiesty Lotus: “That does look like it will hurt some.”

Talia.Sunsong: "Hey, I never got to ride on a dragon. That's not fair!"

Fitheach Eun thanks the sylph and takes off running towards the apothecary

Fiesty Lotus rushes to the healing place

Rorn flies following the big dragons

Savage Taurus thinks Talia's broken wand must have altered her memory

Saphira Mistwalker takes fight and follows the others to the apothecary.

Ixlan Nightbringer: the familiar lurching sensation of lifting off the ground rouses him.... and feels the familiar feel of flight wind in his face....

Ixlan Nightbringer: euphoria lasts only for a few seconds...  until the scent of drake again fills his senses....

Ixlan Nightbringer: and rouses...  squirming upon the drakes back ....

Savage Taurus soars over the lush landscape of his territory and turns toward the elf's abode, making sure that the man's weight stays centered on his back so that he doesn’t slip off, knowing his scales will act like hooks on his clothing

Savage Taurus growls softly, "Calm down there, fella. Don’t want to go falling off. The first step is a doozy"

Talia.Sunsong: flies along humming her "Danger Fae" theme song

Savage Taurus talks soothingly to the man, "Don't worry, the droods will get you all patched up. They are skilled with the healing magics"

Ixlan Nightbringer: consciousness waning....hears the drakes voice rumble in ears and vibrate through body... and if could would scream in fury.....

Fitheach Eun reaches the apothecary first and hurries to ready the bed

Savage Taurus passes by the parapets of his castle, over the mountain range and the lush forest and spots the small hut amidst the trees

Ixlan Nightbringer in a desperate act.... musters last of waning strength and hurls self from the drakes back...   whispering... you will never take me back alive drake.....

Savage Taurus sighs and rolls his draconic eyes and dives down and catches the idiot in his claws, a little less careful not to poke him, knowing the droods can deal with any minor abrasions

Saphira Mistwalker swoops in behind Fit and Talia, and looks to see where Savage and the man are. She gasps as she sees the man lose his position and fall before Savage dives down and catches him again.

Rorn: Baby dragon Rorn dives too, although too small to help

Saphira Mistwalker hurries inside the hut, "You better have some good healing ready Lady Fitheach. That fool two-legs fell off Savage's back and he had to catch him with his claws."

Savage Taurus growls, "Stay still ya dang fool. You really are ready to meet the reaper, arent ya? Well, if I let you die, those girls will nag me until I'll be wantin to join ya"

Fitheach Eun: Oh no, did he really?

Talia.Sunsong: "I hope this man is rich for all the trouble this is taking."

Fiesty Lotus arrives huffing and puffing but, after a moment she hurls herself at the bandages and herbs.

Talia.Sunsong: pictures of gallons of cream as reward dance in her head

Fitheach Eun glares at the fae: "You know that makes no difference."

Saphira Mistwalker giggles and shakes her head, "If he survives at all Talia."

Talia.Sunsong: "What will we do with him, anyway? Does he milk cows for cream? Does he groom unicorns?"

Savage Taurus sets the struggling hooman down on the ground and picks him up by his belt in his teeth and carries him inside and sets his down on a bed

Saphira Mistwalker looks as Savage enters with the man, "Svabol shinalta svern mobi? Tira jaci xoal ekess wielg? [What happened up there? Did he try to fall?]"

Talia.Sunsong: "He must have a death wish to dive off Savage's back in flight"

Saphira Mistwalker shakes her head, "Or, he has a great fear of dragons."

Savage Taurus mutters to Saphira, "vee, wer malai tiric ti seem ekess tuor ekess waph [Yea, the idiot does not seem to want to live]"

Saphira Mistwalker nods to Savage, and looks to the rest, "I hope we can save him, and find out what his story is."

Fiesty Lotus washes his wounds and applies a honey salve

Fitheach Eun brings some of the comfrey and wormwood salve for the deeper wounds

Rorn: Baby dragon Rorn hops on the post near the foot of the bed

Saphira Mistwalker shakes her head as she looks at the man on the bed and hisses, "Ini wer Dask, nomeno munthrek ui vi jekip. [By the mother, this human is a mess.]"

Fitheach Eun: "My sister, I think the herbs will not help enough"

Fiesty Lotus looks at her sister druid "He do look bad.. Mebby we should use a bit more ?”

Talia.Sunsong: "He looks messier than Rorn eating at a BBQ"

Fitheach Eun lifts her staff: "I think we need to do more."

We Need to do More

Saphira Mistwalker hides a smirk, but inwardly agrees.

Savage Taurus chuckles at the fae's comment

Fitheach Eun steps forward and rests her hand on the man's shoulder lightly

Fiesty Lotus mumbles to the earth spirt to come to their aid

Fitheach Eun: Calling to the water powers, she sends a healing stream towards him

Fiesty Lotus: "Spirit of Earth heal this man.”

Fitheach Eun: "Spirits of water, flow into him and heal his injuries"

Fitheach Eun calls to the air, too and weaves it into the pattern

Fiesty Lotus weaves water and air with Earth and set a weave

Savage Taurus hunkers down and curls up on the floor and lets the healers do their thing, his tummy still rumbling, but ignoring it at the moment, in case they need him for anything else

Fiesty Lotus: The Blood disappears and the wounds close up.

Fitheach Eun: The colors merge and blend glowing around the man's body

Fiesty Lotus smiles

Fitheach Eun lets out a sigh and stumbles back leaning on her staff

Ixlan Nightbringer: feels the spirits’ powers building in him... warm colors coalescing in heat and cool... rebuilding torn and damaged muscles and flesh... healing the flesh...  yet can do nothing to heal the spirit tattered and torn.....  suddenly sits up in the bed... and screams out ... then falls back into unconsciousness....

Fiesty Lotus looks around for a chair

Fiesty Lotus: I am pooped. But he do look much better

Talia.Sunsong: "What's he screaming about?"

Saphira Mistwalker smiles at her fellow dragon, and hisses gently, "Savage, wux tira algbo. si geou ehtah nomenes sventar xiiva, vur dronilnr wux ir ekess sone. [Savage, you did well. I will find those sharks, and bring you one to eat.]"

Fitheach Eun staggers over to the chair by the bed and collapses into it

Talia.Sunsong: "I'll wake him up." Grabs a cup of water and advances towards the bed.

Fitheach Eun: "Thank you, Savage. That would have been impossible without your help."

Saphira Mistwalker looks at Fiesty and Fit, "Lady Druids, that looked exhausting. Will he live?"

Fitheach Eun sticks out her staff and tries to block the fae

Fitheach Eun: "Don't Talia, he needs rest."

Fiesty Lotus: “Be careful Talia, remember he threw himself off of Savage, in the sky.”

Talia.Sunsong: "What? Throwing water on him should wake him. The other Fae do it to me."

Let Him Sleep Now

Fitheach Eun: "Let him sleep now"

Savage Taurus grins at Saph, "shark ultroi bensvelk. yth shilta gethrisj xiivair ulnaus ghent nomeno [Shark sounds good. We can go fishing together after this]"

Talia.Sunsong: "Oh, Phoeeey!"

Fiesty Lotus: No hon. He needs time to rest

Fitheach Eun: "Ambassador, I do not know. His body is mostly healed but there was a sense of darkness….”

Saphira Mistwalker nods in agreement with Savage.

Talia.Sunsong: holds cup of water to Rorn, who sticks his face in the water and laps it up.

Fitheach Eun: "Did you feel that, Fiesty?"

Savage Taurus shrugs, "No problem, Fit. You know I'm always here for you all"

Fiesty Lotus: “Like I ran a marathon and then some.”

Saphira Mistwalker: Hmm, is that what all the screaming was about? Is he mad or under some compulsion?

Fiesty Lotus: Oh, the feeling that he is troubled? Yes, I did.

Fitheach Eun: "I cannot say what troubles him, but he is in a dark place."

Fiesty Lotus: We will have to go softly with him

Fitheach Eun: We will.

Saphira Mistwalker sighs. "I hope he makes the best of his second chance."

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